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How Does Cost Governance Trims the Extra Cloud Expenditures?


Nikita Gill

2nd March 2022

Every business wants to leverage long-term cost management across their organization and achieve profits from each spending, especially when it comes to cloud computing services. Many people believe that emerging technologies can drive success in the cloud environment, but the credit for success goes to cloud cost governance. In the past two years, the transition from on-premises to remote work has created a serious need for organizations to shift all their offline workloads to cloud platforms. The statistics of Gartner say that the global cloud services spending is forecasted to reach USD 257.5 billion worth with a 9.1% increase, which will exceed 14.2% by the end of 2024. If organizations don’t have a cloud cost governance strategy, they might lack visibility over their ongoing cloud services consumption patterns. This then results in poor deployments and large cloud bills.

Thus, all organizations need to have an effective cloud cost management system in place. The effective cloud cost governance strategy should comprise cloud cost management and analytical tools to find reasons behind management inefficiencies. This article contains the best practices to eliminate extra cloud expenditure and leverage cloud cost governance across the organization.

Cloud Cost Management Best Practices:

Whenever migrating to cloud infrastructures, it is essential to consider its upfront costs by referencing strategic cloud governance planning.

Cloud Budget Planning:

While budgeting, you should consider factored items with cloud infrastructure spending, employing costs, and regular billing of cloud provider(s). Many cloud providers also offer a cost calculator for organizations to determine the average cloud migration costs.

Limiting Unnecessary Cloud Spending:

To define cloud cost governance, planning monthly cloud spending limits with cloud bill analysis is the best practice. A lack of visibility to cloud services or an inability to forecast cloud spending can make the company overrun cloud budgets. Hence, it is essential to have a tool, which can observe service spending constantly according to the budget limit. Timely visibility over the cloud budget is one of the cloud governance factors that directly fall under financial control.

Take the Help of Cloud Governance Monitoring Tools:

The Cloud governance model incorporates the implementation process of budget controls and current compliance management controls. The cloud cost management tool helps a lot to meet budget requirements.

Cloud Compliance:

Access and compliance management are the pillars of cloud governance, which have a huge impact on the entire cloud cost. An effective cloud governance and management solution develops dynamic protocols for automating tasks, like account creation and managing security regulations & compliances, which efficiently save organizations from potential cyberattacks and overspending time and finances. For every organization, cloud governance should be the priority while moving to cloud environments to optimize costs from the start. If an organization scales cloud abilities at initial levels, it might benefit in terms of cost-effectiveness in the longer run. Once companies shift their on-premises resources to cloud platforms and develop a cloud governance system, it creates new opportunities for them to innovate along with better time and spending management.


Cloud cost governance enables businesses to control their extra spending even with the increasing cloud resources for cloud services. It helps organizations control costs by helping them implement cost governance best practices while ensuring the competitiveness of cloud resources. CloudStakes Technology Pvt. Ltd. is a leading cloud computing company in India, assisting organizations to build an efficient cloud governance model, deploy the best cloud computing solutions and train their IT staff with cloud governance best practices effectively. Book your first free cloud computing consultation with our cloud experts today!!