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Why Should Businesses Implement Infrastructure as a Services Model?


Nikita Gill

21st February 2022

As cloud computing technology is becoming a mainstream approach across the IT industry, its IaaS service model among PaaS, SaaS, and Serverless models come out as a more expedient one. Infrastructure as a Service, also pre-eminent as an IaaS model – is an approach to hosting computing infrastructure on a cloud platform. Among the four cloud service models that we have mentioned above, IaaS can be scaled up and down instantly as per requirements, which is also considered its prime advantage. Since the advent of IaaS, most organizations have reaped many benefits from IaaS because of its ability to help in avoiding redundancies in terms of purchasing and managing hardware devices.

Use Cases of IaaS:

Let’s understand IaaS more deeply through its famous use cases.

Development and Testing Processes:

It lets you build your teams quickly for communication and collaboration platforms, like Teams, Slacks, etc. Further, these teams allocate test and development processes to different members, which enables you to build applications and make them live faster than traditional approaches. Also, you are allowed to scale up and down your test environments on-demand, which is also affordable economically. This way, it increases your organization’s overall profitability.

Web Hosting:

Web hosting is an essential element in ensuring the presence and growth of your business. In case your business is a start-up, it might be expensive for you to run your website through web hosting. Thanks to IaaS now, you can run your website more affordably than the conventional web hosting approach.

Backup and Recovery:

For any business backup and recovery, modules play a critical role, whether your organization is large or small. These mechanisms are important because it requires professional and experienced workforces to meet data management and compliance requirements. In this case, IaaS comes as an efficient way to manage increasing storage needs with instant recovery management procedures.

Support for Web Applications:

IaaS enables you with an infrastructure that can help you provide better web application support, including storage, servers, and networking resources. The benefit of hosting web applications on the IaaS platform is to achieve better efficiency in scaling infrastructure on demand.

Analytical Support:

Big data consist of a large set of different patterns and trends of data. To drive better insights from these data, you should decode and mine these patterns and trends in an understandable manner. Also, these data require high processing power, which can be generated at an affordable cost with the capabilities of IaaS.

Benefits of Having Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
Reduces Extra Capital Expenditures:

IaaS eliminates your demands for investing in the set-up file of an on-premises data center. This advantage is not only for startups but also for large enterprises rolling out new ideas periodically. However, organizations with limited financial resources have a great opportunity to start with the most affordable service model.

Faster Innovation:

IaaS can set up a new computing infrastructure within a few minutes or hours. This way, it enables you to accelerate your software product development and delivery processes. If your business is not occupied with the IaaS model at your place, your product launch process might take a few days, weeks, or months to complete the same procedures.

Instant Responses to Changes:

You should be aware of the dynamic nature of demands even if sometimes it becomes hard to keep up with them. Having IaaS in place that helps you instantly scale resources on-demand is also known as a productive way to keep resources intact.

Enhances Business Continuity:

In order to ensure business continuity, you need to invest in a particular type of infrastructure and workforce, which is expensive and might be not affordable, especially for start-ups. In this case, IaaS plays a major role in helping firms like yours to achieve business continuity at the best cost if you have the right SLAs. Alongside this, it also enables you to have high platform resource availability and better disaster recovery approaches and even allows you to access these in the event of outages.

Better Security:

Seeing today’s pace of cybersecurity threats, every business should have a proactive security system to protect mission-critical resources. If you have a suitable IaaS solution for your critical IT infrastructure, then the IaaS model can leverage the robust, multi-layered security system, which is efficient enough to protect your business-critical data and application.

Maintenance and Updates:

The IaaS model ensures the reliability of your business-IT infrastructure alongside implemented SLAs. Furthermore, IaaS enables you to process regular updates of all your deployed solutions.

Get Your Own Custom IaaS Solution Now:

Enhance the scalability and performance efficiency of your IT processes and resources alongside cost-effectiveness with CloudStakes's custom IaaS solutions, which come under one of the best cloud computing solutions in India. Our IaaS solutions are tailored to meet all types of businesses’ efficiency, delivery, productivity, and security demands for single, multi, and hybrid-cloud environments. Contact us now to know more about our cloud computing and deployment services, specifically Azure-based IaaS solutions! Book your first free 60 minutes of cloud consultation with our cloud experts today!